Might be updated, but if you don't see the difference, you're not alone. A new paint job would be nice. ŠKODA is making the mobility of the future a permanent feature of its everyday life. E-vehicles play a crucial role in the company’s global growth strategy. In addition to plug-in hybrid vehicles, ŠKODA will also have five fully electrically powered cars in its range by 2025. From that point onwards, one in every four cars sold by the brand worldwide should be a plug-in hybrid or have a purely electric drive system. All of the ŠKODA models, which will also be zero-emission in the future, will impress with the typical qualities of the brand: with a long range, easytouse charging technology and outstanding economic efficiency. ŠKODA makes electromobility ‘Simply Clever’. “One of the four pillars of our 2025 Strategy is the electrification of our fleet. The ŠKODA SUPERB with plug-in hybrid drive will be launched as early as 2019. Then in 2020 this will be followed by...